May I enroll as a business entity rather than as an individual?
Yes, a corporation, partnership, LLC, or trust may apply to be an Amare Global Brand Partner. Only one account, personal or business, is allowed per individual.
Both my spouse and I want to join Amare, can we each have our own account?
Married partners must both be on one single account.
Can I change placement of a customer who upgrades to a Brand Partner?
If a customer upgrades, after 90 days the Enrolling Brand Partner may place the former customer in any position, in the first 14 days, within their organization via the Placement Suite.
Can my child have their own account
All account holders, whether they are customers or Brand Partners, must be age 18 and over to have an account. Any family member must be enrolled on your first level.
Can I maintain a position in another network marketing company?
Currently, Amare does not have a policy that states Brand Partners cannot represent other network marketing companies. Brand Partners are advised to refer to the other network marketing company’s policy to ensure they can work for multiple MLM companies.
How is sponsorship/enrollment changed?
Sponsorship can be changed through your Backoffice within the first 14 days of a new Brand Partners enrollment, this can be done through the Placement Suite. All requests within policy will be processed within 14 days and those requests outside of policy will be reviewed within 30 days. Any outside of policy requests should be submitted via email by the current Enroller to in the following format:
I [Brand Partner name and ID] Request Enrollment and/or Sponsorship of [Brand Partner name and ID] Be transfered to [Brand Partner name and ID] Reason for the request:
Is there any documentation needed to cancel my account?
Yes, termination requests need to be emailed to You will be prompted with Termination Terms and Conditions. Once agreed to, you may not re-enroll for 6 months, or more in special circumstances.
How do I request Reinstatement of my closed Customer or Brand Partner account?
This request must be submitted within 60 days of the termination date. If received after 60 days, the requester must wait the for the remainder of the 6-month window before rejoining.
Where do Customers/Brand Partners go if a Customer refers them to Amare?
The newly enrolled Customer or BP would be enrolled by the next BP upline.
Alternatively, they can enroll using the Customer’s replicated site link.
Will I get those referrals back when I become a Brand Partner?
Your upline may request any referrals be moved under you at the time the upgrade occurs.
How often will my membership fee be charged?
The Brand Partner fee is charged annually automatically on the same date of sign up.
May we use anything published by Amare on our social media pages?
You may use Amare Marketing materials if they remain unaltered.